Top 5 Online Games That Let You Jump In Immediately

Some of us don’t have the time or attention span to play 30–100 hours of campaign and tutorials to get started. Some of us just like plain old, jumping in with friends on the peak of the game, the end of it. This list is a “passion project” and a topic of gaming I can’t stop thinking about. Look no further! These are my Top 5 games where you can look forward to starting up without all the beginning filler, with the ability to play around socially.
The rules of this list include:
- Less than 4 hours of tutorial/campaign.
- After the initial 1-4 hours, players should have the ability to do most of the content from the get-go.
- Progression after the initial 4 hours should be mainly cosmetic and/or loot-based.
Finally, the games need to be accessible and casual-oriented. So without further ado, lets get to the list.

5. Fortnite
Battle Royale, Estimated Open-Up Time: 15–30 minutes
Yes, I know. Fortnite bad but it does the whole ”pick up and play” philosophy to a T. There’s a massive range of gamemodes including Battle Royale, Party Royale, Creative and Battle Lab as well as some LTMs. Best part? EVERYTHING you unlock is purely cosmetic. Of course its just dumb fun with friends and that’s why I love it.

4. Forza Horizon 4
Racing, Estimated Open-Up Time: 3–4 hours
Don’t be threatened by its long-ish tutorial. The bit before getting on the roster is basically opened up. However, you’ll need to put in a few hours before you can play officially with the world.
On the other hand, there’s a reason this game almost has a monopoly on the arcade-racing genre. It’s pure good fun, LOTS of cars and you actually feel like you can have another life. If you like racing and car culture, Forza Horizon 4 is basically essential.

3. Overwatch
Hero Shooter, Estimated Open-Up Time: Immediately-10 minutes
I usually like to recommend this game over other competitive shooters for the sheer amount of content open from the beginning. All the arcade modes, Quick Play and even user-made gamemodes via Workshop. Overwatch has something for everyone. Progression is solely tied to cosmetic just like Fortnite and all heroes are available from the beginning.
With the release of Overwatch 2, a brand new PvE mode is coming which will have unlockable passive abilities in a replayable “adventure mode” and a supposedly optional story campaign. This will make Overwatch an absolute no-brainer if you have a friend or few to mess around with.

2. Minecraft
Survival, Estimated Open-Up Time: Immediately
Minecraft is objectively THE pick-up and play game. However, I find it a little boring and uneventful but for the sheer amount of freedom and content this game gives, I cannot pass it up despite me not enjoying it myself. The game really shines in Java Edition with mods. Definitely get on that. It’s relaxing, you can just build and explore, or survive. ANYTHING can be done.

1. Destiny 2
Looter Shooter, Estimated Time to Open-Up: 30 minutes-1 hour
At release there was a 20 hour main campaign that was mandatory, but since its Free-2-Play overhaul, everything in the game can be done after the short remastered tutorial. This IMO makes Destiny the true go-to for a looter-shooter that is casual-friendly and not harsh on the requirements.
I find this game to be the most engaging of these kind of games. Maybe you want to fly to a planet and shoot stuff to get that awesome Exotic, you may want to find a group and complete the challenging raids or just find out the story of Destiny in the 5 campaigns it comes with. With a 6th one coming very soon! Overall, Destiny 2 is my top game in this category. SO much content.
And that’s the list! Let me know what you think!